Mon, 21 Oct
|Hotel Vincci La Rabida
Risk-based Management Verifications in 2021-27
A platform for the discussion of risk assessment and risk mitigation controls in several areas, including eligibility of projects and costs, public procurement, fraud and corruption, indicators and financial instruments, amongst other.
Time & Location
21 Oct 2024, 08:30 – 23 Oct 2024, 12:30
Hotel Vincci La Rabida, C. de Castelar, 24, Casco Antiguo, 41001 Sevilla, Spain
The new concept of risk-based management verifications took a central role in the functioning of the internal control systems of MAs and IBs. Risk-based Management Verifications 2021-27 – Experiences so far shares the knowledge and experiences of experts on the latest developments in the verifications and certifications of the ESIF, EMFAF, ISF, AMIF, BMVI and the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) for 2021-27. Supported by a detailed understanding of the basic underpinnings and regulations associated with management verifications and risk, this event provides a solid platform for the discussion of risk assessment and risk mitigation controls in several areas, including eligibility of projects and costs, public procurement, fraud and corruption, indicators and financial instruments, amongst other.
Target audience
Managing Authorities, First Level of Control Bodies, Intermediate Bodies, Certifying Authorities, Audit Authorities, Central Coordination Bodies, Methodology Departments, Central or Regional Ministries/Departments/Entities, EU institutions.
Course Agenda
30 minutesRegistration and distribution of training material
30 minutesIntroduction – Setting the objectives and expected outcomes